Factory Suppply Plant Extract Ginkgo Biloba Extract Powder CAS 90045-36-6
What is Ginkgo Biloba extract?
Ginkgo biloba, of the family Ginkgoaceae, is a tree commonly called a living fossil, as the order of Ginkgoales which contains the family ginkgoaceae only consists of this plant, as the other members of the order that existed 190 million years ago have since become extinct. Individual trees may live as long as 1,000 years and grow to a height of approximately 38 m. Ginkgo has characteristic fan-shaped leaves.
The species is dioecious. Male trees older than 20 years blossom in the spring, and adult female trees produce a plum-like, gray-tan fruit that falls in late autumn. Its fleshy pulp has a foul, offensive odor and can cause contact dermatitis.
The edible inner seed resembles an almond. The leaf extract is currently one of the top 10 most popular dietary supplements in the western world, while in traditional chinese medicine the fruits and seeds were first used.
Ginkgo Biloba extract Benefits
Ginkgo biloba has earned its reputation as the memory-boosting herb. It provides powerful recall of facts, and promotes a mental environment that is clear, energetic, and focused. Enhanced circulation to the brain may fosters a climate conducive to healthy tissue growth and communication.
Neuroplasticity is also supported by Ginkgo's preservation of Acetylcholine. This action is enhanced even further if Ginkgo is stacked with other cholinergic compounds. And by acting as a natural MAO inhibitor, Ginkgo enhances the feeling of mental energy, banishes depression symptoms, and clears brain fog.
Young adults have been shown to learn new facts more easily and articulate thoughts more clearly when supplementing with Ginkgo. It is hypothesized that young people suffering from hyperactive attention disorders like ADHD may achieve more control over their thoughts when using a Ginkgo supplement.
And while the typical nootropic user simply wishes to enhance healthy brain function, there is interest in using Ginkgo for more extreme mental disorders like Alzheimer's and dementia.
In the body, better circulation results in muscle pain being reduced and athletic performance increasing. Ginkgo can also reduce inflammation in the bronchial tubes, and make breathing easier for asthma sufferers. Many women find that PMS symptoms are dramatically reduced when using Ginkgo.
The Natural Medicines database has rated Ginkgo biloba as Possibly Effective for improving symptoms of anxiety, cognitive function, dementia, diabetic retinopathy, peripheral vascular disease (PVD), premenstrual syndrome (PMS), schizophrenia, tardive dyskinesia, and vertigo.
Research on Ginkgo is very promising, however more research, especially large-scale double blind placebo trials, is still needed. At this time, Ginkgo biloba is available as a dietary supplement only, and the FDA has not approved Ginkgo biloba as a drug to prevent or treat any conditions.
Ginkgo Biloba extract Mode of Action
Anti-inflammatory, ginkgolide B can inhibit the release of lysosomal enzymes;
Applied in pharmaceutical field, used to treat cardiovascular disease and dementia;
Applied in cosmetic field, because of its antioxidants or disarm free radicals is widely used in cosmetics to prevent aging.
Ginkgo Biloba extract Dosage:
Ginkgo biloba is not approved by the FDA for medical treatment use due to lack of for.mal research and study. For this reason, there is not a single standardized dose in Western medicine. However, Ginkgo has been found to be very effective and free from most side effects at dosages between 120 mg and 600 mg per day.
Keep in mind that this is a general dosage guideline only, and your personal dosage may be different. It is always recommended that you speak with your doctor before beginning any new supplements to help determine the best dosage for your needs, as well as determine if there may be any negative interactions with any existing supplements or medications.
If you are sensitive to stimulants, stick to the lower part of the dosage range, and feel free to divide your dosage over three sittings throughout the day.
If you require more noticeable effects, increase dosage in increments of 100 mg over subsequent days. For an added boost, try stacking Ginkgo with other choline-enhancing supplements, with which it has a special synergy. It is also recommended to stack Ginkgo biloba wirh Vinpocetine. Normal dosing guidelines still apply when stacking.

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